Give for Rustic Ridge

The Boro has rallied around the Rustic Ridge community in a variety of ways, and for those--near or far--who wish to help with a donation, there are many opportunities:


Send checks made out to:
Holy Family Parish, memo:  Rustic Ridge Relief
444 St. John Street
Pittsburgh, PA   15239


The Plum Borough Education Association is sponsoring a Fall Festival in October and funds are being donated to the families of the victims.

Checks can be made out to:
Plum Borough Education Association, memo: PBEA Festival of Honor
PO Box 14434
Pittsburgh PA 15239


GoFundMe--Clontz Family


GoFundMe--Sandy Koontz


GoFundMe--Oravitz Family


GoFundMe--Sebunia Family


GoFundMe--Smith Family


We can't recommend any one opportunity to give over any other, and we will update this page as new opportunities to help arise.  Thank you.